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Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring is here, and you know what that means? Spring cleaning time! Some of you may have gotten a jump start due to being stuck at home but if you haven’t, or heck even if you have, we have some tips and tricks for you to make the process easier and dare we say fun?

1. Make a Schedule

Start with what areas of your home needs the most work first. These are usually the areas that people refer to as “deep cleaning areas.” When is the last time you moved your fridge or stove, heck even your couch? Do you have a room that you have let pile up with things? Start with those places first and then work your way down your list. This will help make the task of spring cleaning less daunting and overwhelming.

2. De-Clutter

Ever heard of Marie Kondo? Well if not then I suggest you grab her book or watch her show! She is all about getting rid of things that don’t “serve” you, aka de-clutter! Set aside some time to organize your closets and donate clothes you don’t need anymore, dust and organize your office, and look through that dreaded junk drawer and throw things away! You may be surprised how fresh you feel after you eliminate unnecessary items from your life and how much more space you have!

3. Work from Top to Bottom

Start from the ceiling down, this way you force dust and dirt downward which keeps you from having to re-dust or re-clean your space, because no one wants to do that!

4. Walls and Windows Need Love too

This may seem like an obvious tip, but some people tend to forget that walls get dirty, they pick up the day to day, year to year gunk that goes on in your household. Use a damp towel to wipe down walls and blinds, and don’t forget to remove and wipe down the window screens outside.

5. Don’t Forget About Your Air

Clean air is vital for a clean home so replacing furnace and HVAC filters is essential and sadly is one of the most overlooked parts of spring cleaning. Air conditioner ducts build up dust during winter, so upgrading your filters will help catch unwanted particles so they don’t enter your newly cleaned space.

Another way to ensure healthy air in your home is with an air purifier. Do you or someone else in your home suffer from allergies? Adding an air purifier to your bedroom will help immensely!

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