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How to Declutter and Organize for 2021

Though we had all hoped at the strike of midnight 2021 everything would magically go back to normal, but sadly that’s not the case. It’s looking like we will be spending more time at home but take that time to make this year the year you are going to declutter and organize! Nothing relieves stress than having a clean and tidy home, especially when you’re in it 24/7.


Now even though once the deed is done it relieves stress that doesn’t mean the thought of getting started doesn’t bring you stress! The key is to break it into small projects each month so the task at a whole doesn’t feel so overwhelming.  That’s where we want to help.  To get your started we came up with some ideas to help organize the most used rooms in your home.


Start where you spend the most time: Your bedroom!


The key is to simplify. Give your room a little love and purchase a new complete bedding set that includes a bedframe, skirt and shams. This will make you want to commit to making your bed each morning.


Next you want to maximize storage by utilizing drawer and closet space. Dedicate clothing or items to certain drawers or shelves and nothing else can be put there. This in turn will keep surfaces clear, so nothing should be left just lying around!



Second move to the next most used room in your house: The kitchen.


To organize your pantry, start by taking everything out, checking expiration dates and cleaning any containers of dust.  Limit your pantry items to things you actually use on a weekly basis, no room for hoarding canned goods here! Lastly if you don’t have containers or bins that you can use instead of bulky boxes than invest in some. They are perfect for keeping food fresh and clearing up some space.


Third organize your bathrooms & medicine cabinets.


Just like we did with the kitchen pantry, you will want to make sure and throw away anything that is expired or that you just don’t use (yes that means all those crazy nail polish colors, or that cologne you never touch)


Utilize jars. They are perfect for storing cotton balls, Q-tips, and lotions and ointments. Thin trays are great to organize the smaller items like tweezers.


Cheers to clearing the clutter out of our lives for 2021 so we can have a happy organized start to the new year!


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