Tomie Raines

88% of Lansing Area Homes Qualify for Down Payment Help

Lansing area down payment Many potential home-buyers don’t even take the first step toward the possibility of owning a home because of misconceptions about home financing options. The truth is, there is a wide variety of low down payment mortgage products available at historically low rates. A job history, a reasonable credit score, and a normal debt-to-income ratio will make many potential buyers a good prospect for most mortgage lenders.

In reality, there is a very high percentage of residential properties that qualify for some sort of down payment assistance. Although first time buyers are typically the target of most of these programs, some do extend beyond to other types of buyers.

Finding Homes That Qualifying for Down Payment Assistance

The most important thing to do when you’re looking for these types of properties is to consult a professional lender to see what kind of mortgage you qualify for. You will also want to investigate with a local Realtor what type of assistance is available on each of the properties you’re interested in. Meanwhile, you can easily start searching for homes that qualify for down payment help and track and share them with your Realtor through your Home Finder Pro account

To find out more about down payment assistance program types, visit Ris Media.