Tomie Raines

Unique (Unconventional) Ways to Market Your For-Sale Home

Typical forms of marketing a for-sale home such as flyers and online listings are still very important and effective in finding buyers. However, if you find yourself in a pinch or wanting to take additional, creative approaches to marketing your home, then these 4 unique marketing tactics will do the trick.

Incorporate Social Media

Just about everyone is on social media now, and even if your just getting your friends and family to help you spread the word about your listing, you’re going to reach people that you would not normally otherwise. Share a post or tweet about your home, incorporating the right hashtags when applicable to amplify the amount of people that see your listing.

You could also run an ad or promoted post on Facebook to further increase your audience. Facebook’s unique targeting features allow you to narrow in who would see your ad about your home, helping you reach people that would be most interested in your property and/or location.

promote listing on social media


Market With Ads

Both local and online ads can be used to market your property, and this is where both traditional forms of advertising and as well as modern have a place. 

real estate ads

Newspaper Ads

Your real estate agent may already be doing this for you, but if not, you could put an ad in your local newspaper(s) especially if you’re looking to target those that may fit into the 35 year old and above demographic.

Online Ads

Create an ad through Google AdWords promoting the listing to people that might be looking specifically for homes in your neighborhood, city or based on specific phrases that they type into Google search, for example: ‘3 bedroom home in Haslett MI’. This will help you reach the very people that are looking for a property just like yours or in your area.

Capture Unique Images

One of the latest, up-and-coming trends for marketing properties is capturing photos and videos through the use of drones. Drones allow you to capture your home in unique ways, incorporating movement and angles that were not possible until now. With this unique technology and the help of a drone company you can capture shots of your property at 100-foot high angles or you could create a video that walks someone virtually through your home as if they were there in-person.

Don’t forget to share your photos and video on social media too to help get them in front of more eyes!

aerial drone media

*Property of Aerial Drone Media

Amp Up Your Open House

Yes, traditional open houses that include a cookie tray and a friendly real estate agent are nice and still very effective. But imagine the turn out if you added a little more life to the party. Amp up your selection of food and beverages, put on some inviting music (or live music for a bigger impression), and add in some eye-catching lawn décor or balloons on the for-sale sign outside to create more excitement for people visiting the property. Promote it and hand out flyers highlighting all the unique features not only of this property, but also of the open house itself. This will give people more of a reason to get off the coach and into your home.

real estate open house

Increase Your Lawn Signage

It’s important to keep your real estate agent’s sign out front because that gives people a direct person to contact if they are interested in learning more about your home. But there are some ways that you can make a more powerful first impression. Adding signs that highlight the best features of the home or local area is a great way to draw attention to the property and foot or web traffic to your listing. Signs such as “Walk to the Farmers Market”, “20 Acres for Perfect Hunting”, or “Only ¼ Mile From Parks & Trails” create interest and excitement around the property.


first time home buying guide