Good to Know.®

Construction Ramping Up Based on Demand

According to early indicators it seems that new-home construction is beginning to ramp up especially with the prices of lumber decreasing. This is a great sign for buyers because with the high demand and the low inventory of homes for sale this

Good to Know.®

It’s Better to Own a Home Over Renting

Even though it has been a tough market for home buyers, studies have shown that owning a home has distinct financial benefits over renting! Now we aren’t saying that renting is a bad option, it is especially beneficial if you aren’t ready

Good to Know.®

Benefits of Putting 20% Down on a Home

If you haven’t heard by now, if you’re thinking of buying a home this year now is the time, though you may be wondering how much money you may need to come up with a down payment? Most people you ask will

Good to Know.®

Luxury Market Attracting More Buyers in 2021

2020 definitely had many of us re-evaluating our living situations. Do to spending so much time at home people have realized that they may need a bigger space or even an upgrade in features which is leading us to see a bigger

Good to Know.®

Ways to Reenergize Your Space

Feeling like you need a boost, a change up in your daily routine or living space but you don’t want to go overboard with a full renovation? Don’t worry because we have your back. It’s time to let go of the old

Good to Know.®

Things to Avoid After Applying for a Mortgage

Congratulations you just applied for a mortgage! That’s a big and exciting step but you are not in the clear yet. There are many things that can affect your mortgage application that you may not realize and slow the process down or