Tomie Raines

4 Home Updates to Help You Save Money This Winter

While sometimes we’re lucky enough that temperatures stay high into late fall around Michigan, eventually temperatures will drop and the heating bills will go up. If you’re looking to lower your monthly utility bills, try one or all of these tips for conserving energy in your house this winter. 


1. Increase Attic Insulation

attic insulation energy saver

Making sure your attic is insulated can be a matter of spending $70/month or over $100/month on your heating bills. Because heat rises, a lot of the heat that you put into your house can escape from a uninsulated attic. Try insulating or increasing the amount of insulation in your attic, and after about three to five years, you should start getting a return on your investment and saving energy in the long run.

2. Hang Window Coverings

window curtain energy saver

Want an inexpensive way to save money? Installing window treatments such as curtains can help hold in the heat on chilly days. You can even install specific energy-efficient curtains that are designed to retain heat more than regular curtains, like this one

3. Install New Windows

energy efficient windows

You cannot deny the importance of good windows in a home. Not only are they much more visually pleasing, but they can dramatically effect how your home retains heat. Simply installing energy-efficient windows could quickly save you 25% or more on your monthly, energy bills.

4. Lay Carpet Flooring

install carpet energy saver

The type of flooring that you have throughout your home can greatly affect how it conserves energy. Carpet has the ability to trap heat inside the house better than wood or title flooring, and carpeting more rooms in your home can help reduce the amount of work your furnace is doing.


What other ways do you try to conserve energy and keep your bills low in the colder months? We'd love to hear about it in the comments below! 

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