Tomie Raines

4 Things That Can Make it Hard to Sell Your Home in Lansing

From over-personalized rooms to lack curb appeal, there are a variety of things that can make it difficult to sell your home in the Lansing area. Don't get tripped up by these four areas when you're trying to sell…

1. Priced Too High

When your home is priced higher than the market value or what homes are going for in the neighborhood, it is going to be difficult to sell. A good tell-tale sign of this is if people aren’t even coming to view the home, then you may want to consider dropping the price. Your Realtor will be able to give you a fair market value assessment of your property to get you in the right track.

no curb appeal lansing

2. No Curb Appeal

If the outside looks like it hasn’t been well cared for, buyers can only assume that the inside will be similar. Investing in beautifying your landscaping will not only intrigue buyers to want to come in but also increase the intrinsic value of the home.


3. Under-Staged & Over Personalized

A little style is great for a for-sale home, but when it crosses the boundaries of being too personalized, too trendy or even too cluttered, it can taint the experience of someone viewing the home. Even if it requires repainting a few brightly-colored walls or renting out a storage unit to store your excess belongings, it is well worth the investment of time and money to help sell your home quicker.

ugly house

4. Poor Listing Photos & Description 

Your online and print listing is your resume for your home. Just like a typical resume, you want to talk about all the most impressive and important parts of your home, along with the most inclusive and flattering photos of your home and property possible. This is the first thing that most people will see as they start their home search online; if you don’t have nice photos with a great description to go along with it, you and your Realtor are going to struggle marketing your home.
